Just Me, Opinion

Can We Really Sew Anything?

So, someone asked me recently to make samples. Upon seeing the picture, I wanted to say no, immediately. But I’m […]


Sewing Technique That Saves Me Time

Hello!!! Sorry for the long hiatus…I’ve been super busy now that our lives are starting to get back to normal

Just Me

Sewing Masks and Life Updates

Hi everyone!!! It’s been week 3 since lockdown was lifted here in Paris. I finally got to eat a proper

Just Me, PARIS

Deconfinement in Paris

Ahhh, never thought I’d write these sentence!!! We’re Free!!! At least, free to go out without any permit or ID.

Just Me, PARIS

Wearing Mask in Paris

Hello, this is basically what I look like these days when I go out. I’m a little bit afraid for

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