It’s Already February???

So today is February 6, 2022. We were too lazy to get out because it’s Winter and the winds were too strong and there was slight rain. We would have been fine with an umbrella but we’re just lazy. Plus we already bought a lot of food, lockdown style lol. I find it so funny, makes me giggle a little when I told my French boyfriend that we no longer have Rice grains left. He told me, oh we should buy a sack tomorrow from Tang Frere, an asian Monoprix.

The first time, I told him we would get 5kg of rice, he looked at me shocked. You know they have those little packs for 3,5 euros and it would last me, what? Two days probably. Imagine asking him to buy 5kg rice lol. And a year after, he understands it’s a necessity lol.

I know I post a lot of fashion or museum content but I like rereading my old posts and seeing what I thought during that time. It’s like watching my own version of Emily in Paris. It’s a love hate relationship.

So January felt like it just flew by because I looked for a job which I did, thank goodness. But it would start sometime later. So I did several part-time jobs. You know when people mention Paris, one thinks high end luxury goods, but most of the times that I was broke, I was living in Paris…so the concept can sometimes be disorienting.

But anyway those will soon come to past since I have my new job. Yay!

I hope I can maintain my other part-time jobs though, as they do help.

I was also working on my childrenswear collection. It’s forever on the “samples” stage. I had to prioritize securing my income first. Then when I was about to work on my own collection, my old boss contacted me for her collection. If you wanna see some of my work, my instagram is sewbibicheblog.

I also thought I want to update my YouTube channels. Oh wow, so fancy sounding. I used to overthink it a lot. But now, I just thought I just wanna share what I know and maybe inspire someone to get started…and be broke too. No, just kidding. At least if you want to work on your own collection or make your own clothes, maybe you can check out my videos. It’s called Sewbibicheparis in English and sometimes I try to speak in French too. And I was more active on my Filipino channel Sewbibichepinas. I have always wanted to do it but never found the time. So now, I did, even for just once a week.

I have tried to be nicer to myself. I used to like say I’m not doing enough or I didn’t do this or that. But now I just do what I can. Now that I got the hang of posting and making content, it got me revved up to post more. Actually, I realized I need more pictures. I worked for someone’s social media recently. Did you know that accounts on instagram just get each other’s pictures and repost them? You just have to credit the photographer. Hmmm, if I’m a photographer, I’ll just post pictures all the time and wait for someone to repost them. Seems easy.

Oh and for my blog, I’m happy I managed to post at least once a week. Sometimes even more than that when I am not too tired. Overall pretty happy.

Ok, now I really have to work on my collection. Did you meet your goals this month?

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