How to Date in France (post covid?)

This is just a fun post, don’t take it so seriously. I am just sharing what I experienced, heard, seen in my past 5 years here, living in Paris.

First of all, what are your goals? As a marketing MBA graduate, conceptualizing strategies has been thoroughly ingrained in us. Anytime, my friend tells me something…I immediately see her as a client and her situation, as a mini-project.

Ok so goals, let’s assume, you want the one to find someone that you would hit it off and hopefully would last. For the sense of discussion, I would focus on dating a French, coz one we’re in France and two, I am not so familiar with other nationalities, and culture and expectations would come into play. Ok since this post is posted in the 2nd year of pandemic, we need to consider post covid restrictions and well, the situation in general.

Ok, if I remember correctly, the clubs are still closed and everyone needs to be seated at the moment. Also, the restaurants allow only a number of people per time. I am a strong believer of meeting people in real life. However, it might be difficult at the moment, and people these days try to meet each other among their circles…and you know how French don’t like to mix their group of friends (high school friends, colleagues, friends from their hometown etc). Also, maybe approaching anyone at the moment is not as easy.

So, I’d still recommend the dating apps. Stay away from Tinder, even with the number of success I’ve heard from it, I still have heard a number of guys say it’s just for hookup. So why ruin your chances. I must say though, if your French is not that great, try to find guys who speak English at least more than half of the time. It just makes everything easier for both of you.

Write your profile in French and English. I’ve read once from a French guy that wrote on his profile, why are you writing your bio in English? Are you looking for a foreigner? An English guy? If French, please write in French. And from a marketing standpoint, he is correct. Write for your audience!

Just swipe and see what happens.

I must tell you, a number of them just like to write and chat the whole day especially if they work in IT. So i’d suggest getting them on the phone right away and if you click, just meet up.

Did I get any surprises? Hmmm, I sure did. There was once this guy whose photos are like ten years younger. I had to use my imaginative process to link his pics to him.

Where to meet? Actually, when I met my boyfriend now all the restaurants were closed and we could only buy food for take out. We met at a garden. I won’t reveal so much details, in case someone here tries to fish out my passwords and code questions lol.

Ok, so I suggest meet outdoors. These days, there are events to go to. I prefer gardens…since Paris has a lot of them. And the space is wide, you can run if he’s ugly…or he can run, if you’re ugly. Just kidding. It’s beautiful, romantic and it’s free. If you like each other, you can have a coffee or simply just have a walk.

The who pays question. Honestly, I’ve been into so many debates about this, I’ll let you decide. But I think for the first date, it would be nice if the guy offers. I don’t care if he has to pay for 3 other girls that week. I am not thinking about them. I am thinking about our date and that’s it.

For second date and on, I believe we girls should also offer. No, I don’t believe in hogging his wallet. Anyway, that’s just me. You can ask him to pay all your life and that’s fine. For me, I believe in being a team player and contributing.

What to wear? Please no berets, no navy stripes or no French cliché outfits. You might as well just wear an Eiffel Tower tshirt or the French flag if you’re gonna do this. Depends on the occasion, but I believe you should dress as you. What do I mean? I meant, wear something that you would most likely wear for a special occasion. Or your best outfit that you love. This way, you can see if they are cool with that. French style is very classy and simple. While you don’t need to be French, perhaps you can tone down a bit. In my case, I work in Fashion and sometimes my clothing choices are not everyone’s cup of tea. I had an ex once who told his mom, in front of me, that he’s embarrassed of my gold Gucci-like mules, you know the ones with faux fur at the back? I wore it like past its shelf life and I did get people in the metro, take picture of my feet. And I thought this is a fashion capital, they’re shocked with gold shoes???

I had this in mind when I met my bf for the first time, in garden-that-shall-not-be-named, and I wore a khaki green fur coat and a long purple dress. He was wearing a shirt and denim pants. I later learned the shirt is Figaret. Ok not so bad for fashion choice. And he didn’t flinch nor say anything about my outfit. We were both wearing masks. That time, we still didn’t have vaccines. So I guess now, you find a smooth way to ask for his health pass???? Lol. I am curious how it works. Please leave me a comment if you did that.

Ok French or no French? I think it depends, but honestly, I believe it’s best if you could converse at least for half a day. Imagine meeting his parents or his family. What would you do right?

Then just go and have fun! There are so many events to go to. Perhaps you can visit them together. I usually check sortir-a-paris for the latest events in Paris.

And the rest, I guess is up to you guys.


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