Sewing Side Pockets on Skirts

I speak, like I’m some famous person lol, but the people that I know or if they hear that I can sew always ask me, if what I’m wearing is something that I made. Nowadays, I’m happy to say, that I often answer yes.

So this skirt is one of them. I love these skirts because one, it’s summer!!! It’s so hot and I often ride bicycles (velib) going to work. And skirts are easy for that. Second, I wanted to sew pockets on them for my walkie talkie at work. Trivia: do you know that in french they call it talkie walkie??? Isn’t it cute?

Also, I remember one time when we were watching students’ end of term project, when I was teaching in a fashion school in Shanghai…one of the feedbacks i heard was, “Why is it all in one fabric? It’s not a pajama??” That comment made me laugh and it stuck with me; so unless it’s a summer dress, I try not to wear the same fabric from head-to-toe.

And second, while I do not have the budget for designer labels like Marni or Dior, I often don’t want to end up wearing the same clothes. In Paris it’s almost impossible as the city is huge. But I did see a girl wearing the same stradivarius dress as I was wearing in Le Marais…and for me, paying for less than 30 bucks for that dress seems really like a waste as anyway, she’s wearing the same thing. Do you get what I mean? Anyway…I still love that dress.

Ok wait before, I show my skirt let me talk about the pockets. They say that just design them like you’re wearing mittens. Now that I actually wear them, I’d say make them wider by 2 cm….the pockets I cut were quite small.

When you open them, right sides facing, sew them with the other side (back) of your skirt.

Sew the side seam and around the pockets.

I suggest to do a top stitch after to make it clean.

This my skirt!!!

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