Shopping in Paris after Lockdown or Confinement

Well, it has been one week after the deconfinement in Paris and if you have stayed at home still…I get you. For me, I have to work and I work in a shop so I kinda have to get to work.

First, the hours have changed. A lot of the shops open much later like 12 noon and the closing hours is much earlier, around 5pm for us. Please check your store’s website or call ahead before planning your trip. They also specify by the entrance or by the window, safety measures being taken to ensure the safety of everyone.

A mask is required everywhere, the metro, the small shops. Although, some shops sell them on their stores. A lot of places do not sell them. If you’re in paris, and looking for washable cotton masks, please like:

Usually, shops have a hand gel or sanitizer and requires everyone to sanitize their hands upon entering. But not all. I think wearing masks is more of their concern.

As the number of people in the shops are limited, i suggest shopping during opening hours, when there’s not a lot of people. Afternoon get pretty busy. One thing I haven’t experienced in a long time, is lining up outside the stores.

Inside the shops, the floors are usually marked to keep the distance from one another. Some also suggest the route to guide the flow of traffic.

Featured shop is Anthropologie at Le Marais. 21 rue sainte-croix de la bretonnerie, 75004 Paris. Nearest Metro Line 1 Chatelet (exit 19) or Hotel de Ville. Close to BHV!

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