How to make bias tapes without the tape maker?

The first few weeks of lockdown, I could not get a hold of elastic tapes! A few weeks in, some people asked me to make them face masks, but as I do not have access to elastics I decided to make them from bias tapes. I always tell myself that I would get the bias tape maker as soon as we get out of confinement. But after making tons of masks and therefore, bias tapes as well, I realized I don’t need one. So, let me share with you how.

If you want to see, the video version in English. No voice over in French, sorry, I’m just not that confident with my french, but I hope it helps you to see what I meant, visually.

For Tagalog/Filipino version please click here. And text would be here. Whew! #polyglotatwork :

How wide should your bias tapes be? – depending on your purpose. As we are using them for straps, I would suggest 1 cm and to be folded so it’s sturdier. So in this case 1cm x 4 = 4cm. So cut four cm strips of fabric diagonally from the grain or in bias.

  • Fold in the middle, iron, it becomes 2cm, then reopen the strip.
  • Fold 1 cm from each side towards the center
  • Insert pin on the ironing board
  • Insert the strip from #3 unto the pin and iron part by part
  • Fold into two, making the strip into 1 cm and insert under the pin again. And iron each part as it gets out of the pin.

You can also to use it to cover the edges for skirts, or the insides of a garment for a more finished and clean look rather than overlocked edges. In my case, I used them for my masks when I wasn’t able to buy elastics.

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