Deconfinement in Paris

Ahhh, never thought I’d write these sentence!!! We’re Free!!! At least, free to go out without any permit or ID. There are still some technicalities to this, but you can just read this from any news channel! Ahhh! So fun!

I’m a bit boring to be honest…I didn’t go out. I mean, there is no vaccine yet you know…I can still catch the virus anytime. And I have no plans to do that. And while I know people went out and drink and I totally understand them…I stayed at home the first day.

However, a few days later, I have no choice, as I have to go back to work. I work in a clothing store in Le Marais. It’s 30 minutes walk from my home so I just walked I lose weight and I just have a strange feeling about being in an enclosed space with a lot of people who could be carriers.

I walked with my own masks that I made from 100% cotton. I sell them by the way. Find me on instagram: shopsewbibiche

You might notice the bandage on my hand. I cut myself like the night before I go back to work. Yup, i’m CEO of perfect timing.

Ok a few rules about shopping in Paris. First, the store hours are reduced. Second, depending on store size, there’s only a number of people allowed per time. In our store it’s 10 clients per time. You have to wash with a gel sanitizer provided. You have to wear a mask. A lot of places do not accept cash and most likely would provide receipt by email…i suggest making a new one quick just for this purpose. And a distance of 1,5 meters is kept between clients. Our tills are covered with a plastic structure that protects the sellers and the clients as well. All sales staff are wearing masks and gloves. And we clean and disinfect fitting rooms every hour. Now, I’m thinking to implement a stricter system for my home as well.

Don’t even get me started on how I disinfect my non food items. LOL. I think my neighbor looks at me, why I have so much stuff on my balcony.

Hey, this is the first time in months that I’ve got a second post in the same month. I’ve been wanting to post and share more on this blog and my YouTube Channel, so I’m providing the link here. Please subscribe! Thank you!

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