Why Is Tiktok Taking Over During Quarantine…and what other Social Media Platforms should take note of?

As I perceive myself to be a Tiktok fanatic during quarantine there are some thoughts I came across while using this app.

People just want to have fun!!!

Either, it’s easy dance steps, dubbing, you can copy other people’s ideas and no one would bother (although, there are some people hinting about this…uhm didn’t you get the memo? tiktok encourages that…however, they give credit to where the original sound was from).

People are sick of influencers!!!

Ok, maybe, not all. But remember why influencers blew up in the first place? Because, they are sick and tired of celebrities monopolizing the attention, not saying the truth because they’re paid for it. Well, guess what? Influencers are the same now. I don’t even trust them to actually like the product that they are promoting…no matter what they say. I have seen some high school girls say that they want to be an influencer or a vlogger someday. Like really?

Ok, aside from the trust issue, people want a bit of taste at the spotlight. You don’t have to be beautiful, sexy, skinny or anything, if you have a phone and internet connection, you can make tiktok videos. And unlike some platform’s algorithm, Tiktok’s algorithm is more forgiving. Your old posts could reach more people even a month or a year after. Furthermore, it suggest you to people with likeminded ideas. Lately, i’ve been seeing over30s who like to drink on my For You page, (if you don’t know what that page is download Tiktok)….hmmm, is that a sign??

You can be just you

The more I get on Tiktok, the more I notice i dont have hoodies or crop tops as that’s what most people are wearing. I’ve seen some Instagram influencers moving to Tiktok as well…but maybe because everyone is on lockdown that everyone has a bit of an equal chance. Posting from their own homes, in their regular clothes. Suddenly, it’s no longer a competition of how much one can afford…it all boils down to you.

Anyway, some stuff I learned personally during the time I made my tiktok videos:

  • Just post and give zero F – really! If you find it funny and you like the idea then just go and try it
  • The less you prepare, the better – like sometimes i wonder why my videos with bare face and no makeup get so many views compared to the ones where I was truly made up and have my hair done and everything
  • The more you do it, the better you become at it…I’m actually enjoying video editing now more than ever
  • Find a niche – and that niche is not what’s saleable, it’s what you can talk for hours to your friends or to just about anyone who will listen
  • You’re not the only crazy one who thinks this – in this time where everyone feels isolated, I wish I joined Tiktok since day 1 of lockdown…the atmosphere there is more friendly. You know how in Instagram, no one really cares or comments about your posts…in Tiktok, lots of people do and we kinda create our own community there.
  • Doing Tiktok is now my daily happy pill. I get up, I do my face, I find something hilarious, or nowadays I have some concepts i have and then i try it on my phone. If it flops, who cares, at least it made me laugh or at least someone smiled at your craziness.

Convinced yet? Add me on Tiktok: marisinparis

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