The entire fashion world is mourning for the loss of Fashion Designer, Karl Lagerfeld.
As tribute to Karl, I am posting some of his famous quotes:
I’m a kind of fashion nymphomaniac who never gets an orgasm.
Improvise. Become more creative, not because you have to but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step.
Sweatpants are a sign of defeat.
I’m not crazy to discuss fashion with men. I couldn’t care less about their opinion.
Vanity is the healthiest thing in life.
Be politically correct, but please don’t bother other people with conversation about being politically correct, because that’s the end of everything. You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation
They are this horrible thing where you are distorted. The chin is too big, the head is too small. No, this is electronic masturbation.
I’m very much down to earth. Just not this earth.
Karl Lagerfeld, you are terribly missed!