Visit to Musée du Parfum

I cannot tell you how many times my teacher/s at Mod’art emphasize on visiting museums/expositions etc. To the point that I am now embarrassed to go to school on Monday and not having visited any exhibit during the weekend. LOL. What was my life again, before Paris?

So in one of those occasions, I went with my classmates to visit the musée du parfum. It is really interesting. Because it is school sponsored, we have a guide that told us everything we need to know about perfumes. How many percentage is perfume in eau du parfum and eau de toilette. How to spray perfume properly. Don’t rub your wrists! And so on.

It is a relatively quite new museum located at: 3-5 Square de l’Opéra-Louis Jouvet, 75009 Paris

Plus, they have a Fragonard shop where you could buy some goodies. These ones that I got are mini perfumes but they smell sooo good!

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