Updates from 2024

Phew, finally, I can update this blog. To be fair i have been quite busy with work and since last November, I have been studying Lectra provided by the Municipality of Paris.

It is during the evening after work and it is quite tiring. I remember taking French lessons after work too when I was still in Shanghai and I was just as tired. But this one is on another level. I have taught Gerber for many years but I feel Lectra is just 10x more complicated. You might think it’s the language, but it’s not. Also, I wish there’s a book in Lectra written in French. Because the ones in Amazon are all in English, but the thing is the software we’re using here is in French. Anyway, my teacher is great and she has taught me a lot. She deserves a raise. Hahahha!

Ok another update, I got a new laptop! This one is Lenova Yoga 6. I have been blessed with more students in Fashion Design so I got the full Adobe Creative Suite subscription and I need a more powerful laptop. The adjustment is quite frustrating converting from Mac to PC but it’s not so bad. Just some shortcuts that I use in Adobe Illustrator does not work in the same way as in PC. But nevertheless, I love this laptop and everyday I still can’t believe I own it. I am also working on a personal project, I’d let you know once it’s finished.

I have not yet made a lot of progress with my kidswear brand, Sewbibiche, but I will soon. I already updated my website, Sewbibiche Paris Collection. This is where I will post all my designs and also some useful information if you have kids and are planning to visit Paris.

Last but not the least, for my birthday this year, we visited Bordeaux and Saint-Émilion.

Bordeaux is just 3 hours by train in Paris, I don’t know what took me so long to visit. It is such a lovely place and just a train ride away is the breathtaking Saint-Émilion. We went to Château Guadet for our wine tour. I highly recommend. After this trip, I feel I knew more about wine.

Anyway, that’s all I could share for now. If you want to take lessons with me, just click on the lessons tab of this page for more info. Sorry, at the moment I can’t offer one-on-one lessons in Paris, I am just too busy and I am still working on some personal projects. So for the moment it’s all online lessons. Thank you!

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