Flashback Friday

Hi everyone! I have not posted in a while because honestly, I don’t know what to talk about. I have tons to do and at the same time there are tons of things I cannot do. If you know what I mean. If i read this sometime in the future, this is year 2020. LOL.

Then, I realized all of my old blogs came easy for me because I was just sharing. I was in under no pressure to make it beautiful nor to make it viral lol. With this, I started to get some ideas again on what to write.

So that takes me to my Facebook, who constantly reminds me what I did in the exact same day years ago. And it takes me back to the year I was blonde. I was asked to teach a drafting course for the first time. It’s just for level 1, but still look at this skirt that I had to do.

Usually, they give you a picture of the thing they want you to teach. But of course it requires a sample. And here I am doing the sample at our school’s sewing machine.

It makes me chuckle thinking about that machine. It feels so heavy and yet it goes so fast. However, I still prefer my good old Singer Sewing Machine any day.

My friend Hiro helped me with these patterns and preparing this sample. If there is one person I miss talking to it’s this guy. He knows almost everything and always have something wise to say.

PS…If you ask me to redo that pleated skirt again I wouldn’t know where to start. LOL.Maybe one of these days, I could give it a shot.

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