Sewing Masks and Life Updates

Hi everyone!!! It’s been week 3 since lockdown was lifted here in Paris. I finally got to eat a proper meal on a restaurant. I blogged about it here. I doubt if I have any readers…but I made a new blog for just about everything. And this blog, I’d like to keep for sewing and graphic tutorials.

I haven’t been sewing much lately, as I was so busy with making masks. But now that there are more masks available, the quantities that I had to make were less. It’s a pity though as I still cut a lot of masks.

I also made skirts but they are all half-way finished. I think this week, I’ll start finishing them.

I’ve also collected tons of scraps, coming from my masks. So now, I’m thinking to make coasters out of them. I hope I get to finish them though. I’ll do a tutorial after.

I’m also preparing for my online collection for next year. I really wanted to make my own brand but life keeps telling me I wasn’t ready or maybe the idea has not come into fruition. However, this time, I feel I am super ready for it.

The idea excites me, but it’s the starting that is hard. I would hesitate and then I’d think, maybe I need to research more…checkin with the other brands…I don’t know. But sometimes, I think I overthink as well.

Anyway, I posted this here. I hope by next week, I would have done at least 2 samples and 2 patterns.

Wish me luck.

If you like hearing about my thoughts, on none fashion topics. Please follow my other blog called:


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